How to Install Unsign Applications s60v3

Certificate error, now whether my friends had it when installing applications on your HP friends? if so, I'll share a few ways, from the easy to the easiest, loh ko? yes, indeed it's easy. Syimbian especially S60V3 and s60v5 security systems exist that require a certificate in the application that will be installed, why he should have sigin siginan all? ga like the others stayed install it, well I have not liable for sure, is why my assumption is made that way? due to 'security' HP so it is not arbitrary application that can get into HP's fears bring 'disease' are both possible because business times yes :-). Actually the symbian (that makes the application) has been providing facilities for mensigin applications that have not been in the sign on the website / but that's only temporary (demo) edges have to pay (business) nah but with the sophistication of those people eventually tekhnoligi ( not me) can make this application to the instl without having to go to their site here I've got some ways, I have no need to make a previous test certificate opda ama a very long time waiting, we started it:

1. With Secman and Root sign

Secman task is to install the Certificate on the HP, and Root Certificate installed sign to make into.
secman first download and root signnya

How to use, after downloading all of them please run secman to pc (if friends use computers), install also appTRK (for connecting HP to the PC, in which one can try to install the application until the blue icon) after installing secman in Computer and install apptrk in hh connecting hp and a computer with a usb that fits with friends hp (pc suite mode) nah apptrk setting for detecting via usb

after that run on computer secman next>>'ll automatically detect the HP>> finish

install the root Certificate in secman>> restart. when to install the application neh? wait patiently,

then run the root sign in the computer>> select the application (sis / sisx)>> click the root sign this sis>> completed, send applications to the hp and install deh.

2. With Free signer At HP

Ga have a computer how dong neh? could easily go to a cafe, or ga we use a single application of this 'Free signer'

after install the free signer signed the application>> locate the application>> and select a self sign (ga have to make the certificate)>> go>> Go to the location where applications are stored (which is behind it is 'signed' it) and install the application on hp deh friends .

- Some events we have mensignin its first free signer to be installed in hp
- Secman and Root signing more 'powerful' penglaman me because with freesigner not all applications can be installed

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