Plan Task Shut down and restart the HP s60v3 Automatic

Trouble shutting down or restarting the HP automatically? nah I will share the application torestart or trun off mobile phone automatic or planned.

1. Download application
(Download Plan Task)

2. Install Plan Task [if not in sign / hack this visit]>> Mandatory

3. Run Plan Task

4. Well there are several options in my application according to the function and the most frequent use is the power off, if the function of power on her after I try to ga function.

- Options Type:

Type options close
Its function is to close running applications that have been determined [select task].

Options type start
To run applications that have been previously determined [select task].

Options Power Off
Its function is to turn off the phone.

Restart Options
To restart the phone.

Profiles Options
To change the profile automatically.

All functions of the time we specify.

- Repeat

To set the validity of the task.

- Time

To set the time.

- Select Task

Selecting an application [if the option type close / start]

- Start Type

Applications running behind or appear [if type start].

5. Well after memenukan choice>> ok wait wrote the application will run automatically

good luck. . .

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